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Submission Requirements

A. Format

All submissions should be sent to the editors in both DOC and PDF formats by e-mail to the following email address:


B. Length Requirements

Word limits for manuscripts vary according to the section and nature of the subject of the work.  The following therefore serves only as a guidance.  All word counts are inclusive of footnotes.



Thailand Features           

Case Reviews                 

Book/Article Reviews      


10,000 – 12,500 words

5,000 – 8,000 words

1,500 – 3,000 words

1,500 – 2,500 words

500– 1,500 words

C. Language requirements

  • All manuscripts must be written in English.

  • Prior  to submission,  authors are encouraged to have their manuscripts edited and proofread, especially if English is not their first language.   This is not mandatory and does not guarantee the acceptability of the work.   But it may help to ensure that the contents of the work are fully understood by the editors and reviewers.

  • There are many specialist companies that offer language editing services, but authors are responsible for all the costs associated with such services.


D. Declaration of authors

The manuscripts should be accompanied by a short declaration of assurance by the authors that their work is original and unpublished, and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere, whether in print or online.


Style and Format

A. Manuscript format and structure

  • All manuscripts should be submitted in standard A4 format in 12 point, Times New Roman font with double-spacing in the text body, and in 10 point, Times New Roman font with single-spacing in the footnotes and quotations.

  • The first page of the manuscript must indicate the title of the work, the name of the author(s), the full address (including e-mail address) of the correspondent author, and the total word count.  The name of the author(s) should appear at the beginning immediately under the title, with an asterisk footnote indicating the current position of the author(s) and the full address for potential contact from readers.

  • Articles should provide an abstract of 200 – 300 words, and 3 – 6 relevant keywords at the beginning after the name of the author(s).

  • Notes and Thailand Features should provide 3 – 6 relevant keywords at the beginning after the name of the author(s).

  • In articles, a table of contents must be added, without page numbers, for the clarification of the structure of the works.

  • Acknowledgements and details of non-financial support should appear at the end of the text, and not in the footnotes. Personal acknowledgement should precede those of institutions or agencies. Acknowledgements of funding bodies and declarations regarding conflicts of interest should be given in separate ‘Funding’ and ‘Conflicts of Interest’ sections, respectively.

  • Footnotes must be numbered in sequence. In Articles and Notes, they should be used primarily for reference purposes. In Thailand Features and Book Reviews, they should be used only for essential references. The authors alone are responsible for checking the accuracy of all footnotes and references.

  • The quotation of decisions and legislation should be accompanied by a footnote in the original language.

  • Tables should be typed with double-spacing but without redundant space. Each table should be placed on a separate sheet and numbered consecutively, using Arabic numerals. There should be a title above each table. Where necessary, a short explanation may also be given in a footnote.


B. Headings

  • The title should be centred, and in all caps and 16-point Times New Roman font.

  • The name of the author should be centred, and in title-case, and small-caps.

  • There should be no more than three levels of headings. The format should be as follows:

    • Heading level 1 should be in Roman numeral prefix, title-case, small-caps, 13-point Times New Roman font, and centred. Eg:  I.   DEVELOPING   HUMAN   RIGHTS   MECHANISMS   IN   ASEAN: PROCESS AND PROGRESS

    • Heading level 2 should be in alphabetical prefix, sentence-case, italics, and centred. Eg: A. The terms of reference of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights

    • Heading level 3 should be in numerical prefix, sentence-case, italics, and flush-left. Eg: 1. Drafting processes and background


C. Citation

  • The Journal uses the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA), 4th edition, which is available online (click here).  There is a section dedicated specifically for international law sources in Part IV of the OSCOLA 2006, which is also available online at (click here). Cross references should be written in the following form: ‘above n (footnote number), pinpoint reference’.

  • In footnotes, ‘Ibid’ should be used to refer to the immediately preceding source only. Where the preceding footnote contains multiple sources, the use of ‘Ibid’ should be avoided.


D. Language and style

  • Authors  are  required  to  use  British  English  spellings,  following  the  Oxford  English Dictionary or the Collins English Dictionary.  Where there is a choice, the endings ‘-ise’ and ‘-isation’, rather than ‘-ize’ and ‘ization’, are preferred.

  • Initials and abbreviations should not be followed by a full stop.  ‘ICJ’, for instance, can stand for ‘International Court of Justice’.  ‘Versus’ in cases is also ‘v’. 

  • Non-standard abbreviations should be defined at the first occurrence and introduced only in the case of multiple uses.

  • Authors should use ‘art’, rather than ‘article’, both in the text body and footnotes.

  • Italics should be used to emphasise words or phrases, and for the name of cases, title of books or periodicals, short, non-English words, and the like.


E.  Notes for book/article reviews

  • The title must indicate the details of the book/article(s)  under review which should include author’s name, title, publisher, place of publication, year of publication, number of introductory pages (in roman numerals) and pages, and price (if available).

Eg: Unity in Connectivity? Evolving Human Rights Mechanisms in the ASEAN Region. By Vitit Muntarbhorn. Brill/Nijhoff, Hague, 2013. vii + 256. €115.00

  • The details of the reviewer should be placed at the end of the review.

  • References to the book/article(s) under review should be given in the text body, and not the footnotes.  References to any other sources should follow OSCOLA.

Eg: Professor Muntarbhorn provides a lucid summary of the development in Thailand (pp 59 – 79).

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